Ms Maggie Tang
Ms Maggie Tang has been teaching in CPS for over 20 years. She has noticed the changes in the world in terms of technology, knowledge, skills, etc. At the same time, she has also gone through different changes and impacts of the education system, from in a traditional way to highly innovative; from a concrete curriculum framework to a generic and cross-curricular framework; from a knowledge-conveying mode to an inquiry mode of teaching. These changes have got a high impact in her mind about how she can pave the way for her students to get used to the new world.
The striving of knowledge has no boundary. As a teacher, Ms Tang thinks her role should be an inspirer, a facilitator who equips the students to explore their own world. She has experience in teaching English, General Studies, Maths and ICT and she is the Panel chair of the English department. She has learnt that English has played a very important role to help students to connect the world and to explore the changes in the world. She is so glad to be the one who can play her part in the journey of students’ learning.
Ms Tang hopes her students can strive and thrive for themselves and they can contribute their part to make a difference in the world in the future.
- Master of Education, Curriculum Studies (English Language Education) – Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science) – The University of Hong Kong
- PGDE (Primary Education, major in English teaching) – Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Certificate of Brain-based Learning Train the Trainer Programs for HKSAR Teachers (2008) – Association of Brain-based Learning in Education