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Wong Yik Ting

The Robot Cat

Last Sunday, Susan went to a toy shop called “TOY SHOP”, and bought a robotic cat. After she paid, she skipped back home happily. She wanted to try it out as soon as possible.

When she returned home, she bolted the robotic cat right under her arm excitedly. Susan charged it and then powered it on. Susan said to the cat, “Hi, what’s your name? By the way I’m Susan,”, “Hello”, answered the cat. Susan frowned and repeated the question, but the cat only said “Hello”, so Susan named the cat Hello.

The second day was Monday. Susan had to go to school. At first, everything was norma. She brushed her teeth, ate her breakfast and went to school. But Hello silently sneaked into her school bag so that he could go to school, too.

Susan didn’t notice it at first but she did when she reached into her school bag to get her pencil case. She found Hello inside her bag shoring softly. Susan panicked when she saw Hello, but she just took her pencil case and left Hello in her school bag.

In the lesson, Hello kept making sounds in Susan’s school bag, but she pretended that she couldn’t hear anything when the teacher asked her about the sound.

In recess, she went to the washroom and left Hello there planning to pick him up when school ended.

Finally, at two and a quarter, school ended. Susan rushed to the washroom to pick Hello up and took the MTR home.

When they arrived home, Susan scolded Hello for sneaking into her school bag. So, from then on, Susan made sure Hello was still in his basket when she went to school.

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