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Seong Hye Yeon Charlotte


If I was blind, I think my daily life would be very different. For example, I could
no watch TV, play games, draw, paint and rea ordinary books. Further, I would need
someone to accompany me when I go out, otherwise I have to use a walking stick or
a guide dog. Last but not least, I would have to go to a special school for the blind
instead of going to CPS.

Blind people face a lot of difficulties in daily life. We should offer help to them.
When we see a blind person on the street, we can ask himself if he needs help. Then
we can guild him to the place that he wants to go to. If we see a blind person in the
MTR train, we should offer him the seat and remind him of the gap when he gets off
the train.

There are many special facilities for blind people like tactile paving, audible
traffic signals, tactile-braille indicators in the lifts, braille and tactile maps, etc. There
is much more assistance for the blind than in the past. However, with the
improvements of technology, I think we can offer more for the blind people to make
their lives easier.

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Teacher’s comment:

Yes we are all very lucky indeed! I believe we can help the visually impaired people
build better enjoyable lives!

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