Creative Schools Continuum 啓思中學、啓思小學、附屬幼稚園連校
啓思中學和啓思小學均是國際文憑組織(IB)的世界學校,分別提供小學項目課程(IB PYP)、中學項目課程(IB MYP)以及國際文憑大學預科課程(IBDP)。這些課程基非常着重探究式學習方法,鼓勵學生獨立學習,培養對學習的熱忱,同時對世界的認識和社區及國家的責任感。此外,啓思中學還提供香港中學文憑考試(HKDSE)課程,為學生提供多元的學術機會。
Creative Schools Continuum Pathway

Creative Primary School was founded in 1985. The school's objective is to offer outstanding all-round educational services for students aged between 6 and 11 in Hong Kong. Integrating the best of both Chinese and international educational ideals, the school's mission is to develop a unique and effective model of educational practice that is highly student-centered and with the objective of educating the whole-person. During the most crucial stage of our students' early development, the school's ultimate mission is to lay a firm foundation on which their future success in life is built.
Our Beliefs
We believe...
Every child is special with their own unique potential.
A child brought up in a compassionate environment knows how to be at one with the world and is likely to develop an optimistic and positive attitude to life.
Trust, encouragement and support are the basis on which a child builds their self-respect and self-esteem, and confidence – and such are essential basis of the child's learning
A child's effective development is the result of an accumulation of learning successes and breakthroughs…
A child's stable and happy development is based upon our effectiveness in building up his/her confidence in facing challenges, persistence and abilities in solving problems, courage in facing and accepting failures, as well as being given opportunities to accumulate experience of successes and achievements.
A child's primary education is of critical importance to his/her success in his/her future. Individual abilities and needs have to be properly identified and further developed by proper guidance and support. Plenty of opportunities should be provided for a child to enjoy and accumulate experience of achievements. This in turn would help to build a firm foundation for successes in their future life.
Our Mission
We aspire to be a high quality, inspiring and progressive learning organization – where students, teachers and parents share the joy of learning and achieving excellence together.
As a student-centered school, we educate our students holistically, foster their potential and develop their international mindedness. Within our happy and caring environment, students grow healthily and soundly. They become effective learners with compassion and positive character.
We strive to provide our students with:
a happy and exceptionally caring school environment
high standards of all-round care
an effective and multi-faceted teaching and learning model
sufficient, fit-for-purpose and modern learning facilities
an inspiring learning culture
ample of opportunities to realize students' potential and talent to the full