Words from the Graduates

Mr Eric Ko
Ms. Ma Yuet Ting
Mr Boris Tin
Mr Lee Chun Pui
Ms. Carris Wong
Mr Pun Ching
Ms Elizabeth Tsoi
Mr Lin Rui
Mr Lam Shan Hang
Mr Samuel Lai
Ms. So Ho Lam
Mr Luk Yui Chit
2018 ﹣ 2019 Graduates
Tong Bo Yiu 湯寶瑤
「如今的我,懷有抱負;立身處世,行事有方。」我認為《良師頌》的歌詞非常能夠反映我現在的心情,全因啟思小學的良師這三年來對我的教導,使我勇於面對前面的挑戰。升中是成長的跳板,中學又未知的挑戰,我一定會做到正如本年校本主題所說:「向目標啟航Goal Grow Go」,征服這些大大小小的挑戰。
Lee Jeston Chaz 李晉澍
The train of the primary year arrived at the final stop; we have to get on another train named secondary school. However, graduation isn’t the end, it is another starting point in our life, we will continue thriving for our dreams and those in the secondary schools.
I remember when I was in primary 1 at Creative Primary School, I was really nervous and scared. Every morning, I didn’t want to come to school, and I always cried at the moment I stepped into school. However, a school prefect came to comfort me and play with me at recess, that school prefect was so kind that she asked them brought me some stickers to make me happy. After that, I have aimed for becoming a school prefect in order to help others, especially those lower grade students.
In primary 3, my dreams had come true. I had become a school prefect since then, and I even became a prefect captain in primary 6. I have a chance to help teachers and schoolmates in different situations. At CPS, I have many opportunities to learn and grow. Besides being a school prefect, in primary 6. I’ve joined the school Odyssey of the Mind OM Team, my teammates and I work hard together to create the drama script and props, and we practiced together. To our surprise, we won the championship of the HK regional tournament. We were all very happy and excited. Soon then, we went to the United States to attend the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals. This experience let us know more about our teammates, we have become more creative and expressive. If I have a chance, I will definitely join the OM team in my new secondary school.
I really want to say thank you to our principal and all my teachers, when we have difficulties, our teachers always help us, and teach us the right way to overcome them. Because of our teachers, all of us have a wonderful school life in these few years.
I hope all graduates would have a fruitful school life in the secondary school, and I also hope that everyone can find your own path that leads to a bright future.
2018 ﹣ 2019 Graduates
Tong Bo Yiu 湯寶瑤
快要畢業了, 我實在拾不得要跟同學及老師分離, 這六年真的過得很快,轉眼間便快要結束這六年小學的生涯。由一至六年級,我遇到過很多不同的困難,但我都沒有逃避,反而都能一一克服,這實在要感激在我身邊的人。
這六年,我一直和同學一起學習,一起玩耍。小時候,我是一個不喜歡說話、十分文靜的小女孩,直到我遇到一年級的班主任——梁老師。一年級的我,是一個呆呆的小孩,完全不知道世界是如何運作的,每日都不想上學,因為我並沒有朋友。幸好梁老師發現了這個問題,開始將我調到不同同學的旁邊,有活潑的、開朗的、健談的,我逐漸被他們影響了,開始敢於大聲說話,主動朗讀課文,現在的我已成為了一個開朗的小女孩,是同學眼中的開心果,如果我跟別人說我本來是一個文靜的學生,他們一定不會相信。還記得升到二年級,我班來了一位插班生,當老師問誰願意跟這位同學一起坐,照顧她,令她可以適應新的環境,我是全班第一個舉手的,而這位同學,也成為了我在啟思小學第一位好朋友 ——伍可晴。可晴陪伴着我成長,和我分享喜怒哀樂,是我人生中不可缺少的好知己。
又有人說,五年級的活動是多姿多彩的,我也有這樣的感覺。五年級那年的UOI課, 我們做了很多不同的研究活動,有滾輪實驗、槓桿實驗,我們還解剖了仙人掌和不同種類的花朵呢!中秋節那天,我和同學帶了自己的燈籠和月餅回校,小息的時候和同學一起吃月餅,一起玩燈籠,氣氛十分熱鬧。
Lee Jeston Chaz 李晉澍
During the six years in CPS, I have experienced ups and downs, it taught me valuable lessons, that really improved as time went by. Here I am, a P6 student who is about to graduate, it’s time to start a new chapter in our journey. CPS is an IB school which make me an IB learner. During those 6 years, I have understood the importance of being cooperative and having divergent thinking. I really value the insight and guidance CPS provides.
My years at CPS have taught me to aim high, strive and thrive. Teachers always encourage us to be a risk taker and stretch our potential. Most importantly, it makes me realize that no one has ever achieved greatness without dream. Rounding up my life in CPS, I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to my school. Here, I have my excellent teachers to guide me throughout the years alongside my true friends and classmates to make my life brighter than ever. Oh no! I must move on to a new stage in my life. I won’t ever let those precious memories which were created in this school slip away. It will always be a special place found in our hearts for a cherished school, CPS.
2018 ﹣ 2019 Graduates
Tong Bo Yiu 湯寶瑤
Lee Jeston Chaz 李晉澍
Every day in the past 6 years, after the last school bell, I was always the first one to dart towards the school gate and head for home, knowing that I would be returning again the next day and have class, lunch, and other school activities with my friends and teachers. We probably have this same cycle for the last 1,140 days. However, this cycle we once thought would go on for eternity might change in just a few months’ time.
I could still vividly recall the first day when I started school at CPS 6 years ago. I was still a chubby little kid barely six years old, feeling nervous and a little bit scared about primary school life. I’d read a book telling a story about a boy being sent to a school which was like a prison, that learning was like being kept in captivity with bars blocking out imagination and creativity. But here in CPS, it’s a completely different story. I have discovered the fun of learning, the value of working in groups and on my own, and the importance of respect and acceptance. And the most important thing of all is that CPS has helped me uncover my strengths and weaknesses.
In the blink of an eye, I have almost finished my primary school journey. In a few weeks’ time, I will leave my beloved CPS and embark on my new journey at a new secondary school.
It will soon become like six years ago when I left my kindergarten and started primary school. But this time, I am much better prepared and confident to take on the challenges and demands of a secondary school.
I all owe it to CPS. We couldn’t have made it to this moment alone. The Principal, the teachers and the school staff have done so much to help us learn, grow and blossom with confidence and self-assurance. Looking back over our days in CPS, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for how lucky I am.
We are now going to say farewell to CPS and our friends. I am very sure that none of us will do it willingly. But I know that we will keep all our treasured memories close to our hearts forever.
Steve Jobs once said, “Keep looking, don’t settle”. We may be reluctant to leave CPS, the loving family and our guiding beacon, but we are now ready to move on to the next stage.
Thank you, Mrs. So. Thank you, my teachers. Thank you, my friends.
2017﹣2018 Graduates
Yang Xi 楊希
Fong Lai Kiu 方澧喬
I have been in Creative Primary School since the year 2012, creating life-long memories from P1 to P6. Six years have gone past in the blink of an eye, and I have not only learned a lot, but changed a lot in so many ways. In these six years, we were filled with feelings from sadness to joy, anger, defeat, pride and happiness. Throughout these years, I have built precious memories, experience, life-long relationship and personal growth. One of the most memorable moments happened in P5. My friends and I planned a self-initiated activity called the “Toy Recycling Project”. At first, we didn’t even have any idea of what topic we should use, but after receiving guidance from our teachers and parents, we finally decided to do the “Toy Recycling Project”. We chose this topic because we thought of the world and we realized that it has a lot of unplayed toys while some of the people doesn’t even have any toys. So, in the end, our target was to create a platform for CPS students to exchange their toy for another toy. Finally, we prevented at least a thousand toys from being thrown away. That’s a huge number of toys! I am so glad that I can make a change to the world and make it a better place.
I have built life-long relationship within the CPS community in these six years. There is a saying that “Best friends share laugh, memories and inside jokes. They pick you up when you fall, they help you wipe your tears and forever are a piece of your heart.” This is how my friends are in the CPS community. I want to thank them for not making me feel alone in these 6 years.
Third, I have been participating in different kinds of competitions, such as Speech competition, Mathematics competition, Swimming Gala, and Sports Day. These competitions helped to shape me into the person I am today. Also, it helped me filled my room with lots and lots of trophies. Before I went in CPS, I was just another selfish and impatient kid; but CPS taught me how to see things in a different way. Now I do things with a second thoughts, and I am much more confident than before. I want to thank CPS for making me see things in different ways and helped me make friends more easier than before.
Before I leave CPS, I want to thank Ms. Lee, Ms. Wong, and Ms. Tang for their kindness and patience. They had not made me feel alone when I walked into their classrooms. Before I leave CPS, I hope I can keep up the good process, and try and participate in more kinds of competitions, because they make my life more meaningful. Goodbye and farewell.
2016 ﹣ 2017 Graduates
Wong Hok Chun 王學進
Lee Argus Jay 李津頤
Time flies and this is already my last day at Creative Primary School. As I got my graduation scroll, all my memories of my six years in CPS, good memories, happy memories, sad memories, started pouring down on me. I suddenly felt my eyes tearing up and my throat tightening. Now after I accept the terrible truth, I am going to leave my loving family – Creative Primary School.
I still remember my first day at CPS. I was nervous and a bit scared, but most of all, I felt lonely deep inside. Luckily at that moment, my class teacher came and showed me to my class. As she held my hand, I felt there was such a warmth going into my body, and I felt happier already. I didn’t feel lonely anymore because I knew someone cared about me. Since then, I have started my journey in this loving Creative Primary School. I like going to CPS, and I enjoyed every single day. There are lots of interesting activities, like Sports Day, Swimming Gala, and school picnic. Among all the fun activities, my favourite one is Creative Week. It is a 5-day event in which we work on the unit of enquiry. Unit of enquiry is my favourite subject, because it is very challenging. During that week, we try lots of new things. For example in Primary 4, we went to the mall and bought things for the elderly. Then, we visited the elderly homes and showed our care to them. What an unforgettable experience! Also, I learned a lot in Creative Week. In Primary 6, we did a group project about our world’s issues. I’ve learnt that lots of people are facing different problems and are having hard lives.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs. So and all the teachers at Creative Primary School. They teach me not only knowledge, but also lessons in life. They teach me to become a knowledgeable and caring person who’s willing to make contributions to others. Also, I’d like to thank my classmates. They always stand by me when I feel sad, and they teach me a lot too! At last, I wish all my fellow schoolmates and teachers a happy and successful life.
2015 ﹣ 2016 Graduates
我由一年級開始加入啓思這個大家庭,回想起來就好像昨天的事。在啓思渡過了六年的小學生活,今天終於畢業啦 ! 終於要離開母校,真是倍感不捨,啓思是我的第二個家。校長、老師、家長、工友及同學之間關係親密融洽。老師的敎學非常之用心及認真,敎學的時候都能以學生的進度及能力為基礎,且時時刻刻關心我們,我的感覺猶如在一個温韾的大家庭。其次,啟思實踐IE啟發潛能教育,提供不同的表演平台,給學生發揮個人的潛能,例如:啟思學生舞台、中國心暨祖父母日等等,令到擁有不同天賦的同學都有機會盡展所長。記得有一次,我和班上幾位同學獲老師的邀請,在中國心暨祖父母日活動裡負責表演數白欖。我們用了十多個小息練習,雖然一下課就要立刻練習真是有點疲倦,但是在表演當日看見台下的觀眾都給我們熱烈的掌聲,那份滿足感及成功感為我們帶來無限喜悅,亦都提升了我的信心。感謝學校推行IE,令每一位同學都能夠閃出自己的光芒,以上幾點都是我不捨啓思小學的原因。
在這裡我要感謝母校的老師給予我不同表演的機會,令我更大膽及充滿自信,我亦要感謝我的爸爸媽媽給我在啓思這個大家庭學習,令我得到無比的關愛和尊重,亦得到優質的教育。最後我更加要感謝和我一起學習的同學。因為有你們,令到我無論遇到大大小小挑戰的時候都可以樂觀面對。即使我現在要升上中學,但是我也絕對不會忘記。我珍惜親愛的母校 ― 啓思小學。
Natalie Leung 梁瑋珈
When my teacher first asked me to write down my feelings about CPS, the memories of my past 6 years started to pour down on me. Tell you a secret: there wasn’t a day which I didn’t want to go to school. I enjoyed every moment of my school life. I love Creative Primary School. Every day in CPS is filled with excitement as we participated in numerous fun events. They are all amazing. But out of all the events, I particularly like the Education Camp and Creative Week. The Education Camp was a really meaningful experience for me. Since it is only a few weeks before our graduation. We all had conflict feelings on it, both fun and sadness. We treasured our chance together for last time. Through this camp, we strengthen our bonding and got closer. It has left some happy and unforgettable memories for me. Another moment that impressed me is Creative Week. It was that one week that I could spend all my time on inquiry. The teachers always organize interesting learning tasks and activities to help us get a deeper understanding of the topic. I’ve gained a lot of knowledge and learning skills through Creative Week. I enjoyed it so much. There are so many people in CPS that I have to thank. First of all, I would like to thank all my teachers who have taught us, they’re not only care about my academic performance, but also my spiritual, intellectual, ecstatic, physical and emotional development. They shaped us out to become well-balanced people; and I am confident now to tell them that we are well equipped and ready to start our new pages in our secondary school life. I would also like to thank my classmates, who have learned, played and faced challenges together with me. You made my school life the most special one. My school life just wouldn’t be as fun and as interesting without you. I must have to say thank you to all our janitors, who have worked hard to ensure a comfortable environment for us to learn in. Your work reminds me to always be thankful.
Now it is time to leave primary school and start secondary school. We feel nervous, many of us would rather stay here, but starting in a new school can be exciting as well. I am sure we will make more new friends in the new school. Creative Primary School has helped me grow. It is a very important chapter of my life. I am going to miss it. We will soon go to different schools but we will always be friends. Finally, I wish everyone good health and a bright future. And again, thank you, for everything you have done.
2014 ﹣ 2015 Graduates
Xu Yu Yuan 許愉苑
在這裡,有著不少美好的回憶。記得今年,我們學校拿了一啟發潛能學校金獎IAIE Gold Fidelity Honor,這獎可厲害了,全球可只有6所學校拿了這個獎!啟思請我們全校的同學吃雪糕,同學們吃著雪糕,臉上都洋溢著燦爛的笑容。對我來說,這杯雪糕卻另有一番意義,它代表了啟思的老師、同學、家長和工友叔叔嬸嬸上下一心,經過了好一番努力才得來的。看著同學們吃雪糕的那一刻,我覺得我們是實至名歸啊!
Ethan Chow 周澄朗
Albert Einstein once said "a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." I wholeheartedly agree with this statement because if you are never willing to try new things you will never be good at anything. But if you do, you will learn by trial and error and you will one day discover your strengths.
Creative Primary School (CPS) gave my fellow classmates and me countless opportunities to be in activities that were new and exciting. CPS is a place where we are able to learn in a safe and friendly environment. CPS strongly believes the students should be capable communicators, because social skills are very important in the 21st century. Therefore, from the moment we enter Primary 1, we needed to make presentations and interacted with our classmates and teachers. Presenting in front of a crowd is not easy because many people watch and judge us. I used to be afraid I would make a mistake and people would laugh at me. However, with the support and encouragement of the teachers and principal, I soon began to feel it is okay to make mistakes. Making mistakes is part of learning and CPS is a place where I can learn, make mistakes and grow. That is why I never wanted to miss a single day of school throughout my six years here. Even though I was sick I wanted to go to school to see my friends and teachers, because learning is fun.
Another example of how the school encourages students to try new things is when I was invited to the English drama team. I was never interested in drama and thought I would not be good at all, so I initially declined the invitation. However, Principal Chan and Miss Tang believed in me and encouraged me and therefore, I decided to give drama a try. I am so grateful for their support and trust in me because I am now a great risk taker and even hope to perform on Broadway one day.
I would like to conclude this speech by saying thank you to all the teachers at CPS. I believe that many of us in P6 would agree with this Chinese Proverb—"Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself." The teachers at CPS offered much guidance to us and now it is up to us to continue on our path to success.